Thursday, December 4, 2014

Leia Cang Vs Creeper 3

Leia Cang's attempt to sabotage the mutant generator goes awry when the creation defends the creator.  Number 3 of what will be a 7 piece gallery series.

See it here:
Leia Cang Vs Creeper

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Friday, May 30, 2014

Leia Cang Big Blob

Wells usually hold something.  Of all the creatures that crawl beneath the swampy earth, few can resist the convenience of wells.  A good place for hunting.  Something else certainly agreed with her.

Leia Cang's Blog

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Leia Cang - New Style, New Character

Well, here she is - Leia Cang.  As I delve deeper into C4D,  I'm experimenting with a new style and, what the hell, a new character.   Things may change.  I don't know.  Still, I thought this looked nice.

Here's a link to her blog - Leia Cang